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Regular soldiers have nothing on John Giant, who stands at least three times their height. As depicted, his hair is long and wavy with a full, bulbous jaw. John has been one of the rare giants who has a more human-like build than the most of his fellow giants.
In contrast to other Marines, he wears a custom-made white robe with yellow and red accents, as well as a red collar. He also wears a medallion on its left breast, which signifies his high rank and position. Marines wear red bicorne hats emblazoned with their emblem.
While other high-ranking Marines wear their coats with their arms in the sleeves, he does the opposite. He has a plain orange shirt, loose slacks, and boots underneath. There are no doubts about his military honours. Katanas are also on his person, and he carries one over his shoulder.
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The most formidable pirates inside the East Blue, the Marines, the Eight Warlords of a Sea, World Nobles, Cipher Pol, and even the Four Rulers of a Grand Line have all faced out against Luffy, and he has always come out on top. During the Summit War for Marineford, he was a crucial figure in the invasion and annihilation of Covered in this section Lobby and the escape from the impenetrable Impel Down.
Prior to the disintegration of the organisation, he either killed or engaged seven of a eleven known previous or present Warlords, and he’s invaded the domain of two Emperors. As a result of his exploits and heritage, Luffy has been dubbed a “Dangerous Futures Element” by the Marine Headquarters, Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, as well as the World Government, garnering the fury of all three.
As a result, Luffy has been dubbed the head of such Straw Hat Royal Navy, a group of seven pirate gangs who have vowed to assist him anytime he needs it. The press has dubbed him the “Fifth King of the Sea” after hearing of it and then his accomplishments against by the Big Mother Pirates, though many influential persons feel this to be overblown.
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Even before he set foot just on Sabaody Archipelago, Luffy has been among the 11 pirates known as “Super Rookies,” who all had bounties of over Beli before they arrived at the Red Line. His generation, along with Marshall D. Teach’s, would be known as the “Scariest Generation” in later years. Eventually, his victories and reputation help him amass Beli’s wealth.
Luffy wears the same costume for the most of the series, like almost all of his male crewmates. Luffy’s signature red vest and blue shorts will be worn again once the island’s adventures are complete, despite wearing a different clothing to match the island’s temperature (such as a hooded jacket on Drum Island and desert robes in Arabasta).
Despite this, he has been seen in Thriller Jungle and Sabaody Archipelago wearing his customary clothing in various colours and wearing other random stuff on his person. When Luffy doesn’t dress properly stylishly as stated by Eiichiro Oda in the 37th volume of SBS, he gets advised about how to dress by the more stylish team members like as Sanji and Robin.
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Some things have changed since those two years ago. Opening, long-sleeved red sweater with four buttons (that displays the X-shaped scars covering almost all of his chest that he acquired from then-Admiral Akainu) is fastened around Luffy’s waist with yellow sash.
He has gained a few inches in height and is clearly more muscular as a result of his training. He has a thicker neck, more prominent deltoids, and a more defined chest as a result of this Luffy loses another of his top teeth when he gets hit in the face by just a Diable Jambe Joue Shoot throughout his fight with Sanji. However, when he drank another bottle of milk, it started to grow back.
Muscled and with a tan, Zoro is an average-sized man with an athletic build. With his three swords tucked away in a haramaki across his right hip, he can easily draw weapons using his left hand whenever necessary.
He always carries the Wado Ichimonji, that his other three swords have changed throughout the years as he has destroyed and replaced them with newer and better versions. It is not uncommon for him to use his right hand to bring out his swords before sitting down. On his left ear, he wears three gold earrings in the same style. His left bicep is normally connected to his left arm, and when fighting, Zoro ties the black bandana around his head.
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When Zoro lost to Dracule Mihawk at Baratie, he was left with a gigantic scar spanning from his shoulder blade to his right hip. This scar was inflicted by the world’s best swordsman. At Little Garden, Mr. 3 had him try to cut off both of his feet in an attempt to liberate himself form Mr. 3’s Giant Candles Service Set, which had him scarred for life. After the time-skip, he was left with a new scar above his left eye.
His short green hair, that Sanji calls “marimo” because of its likeness to one, is another notable attribute of Zoro.
Luffy is a robust young man with short black hair and dark brown eyes. After being loaned it by “Red-Haired” Shanks, which in turn obtained it from Gol D. Roger, Luffy has become known for his signature straw hat (out of which his moniker “Straw Hat Luffy” is taken).
A scarlet waistcoat, sandals, and short blue pants with cuffs are all he wears. His left eye is scarred by a two-stitched scar from the knife he used to prove to Shanks that he wasn’t frightened of pain by stabbing it. Inside the Summit Battle of Marineford, Akainu severely wounded him, leaving him with a big X-shaped scars on his breast.
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